Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Haiti

Well I survived the Thanksgiving meals and family questions, which were not as many as I thought I would get. I was told by several of the medical staff with prior mission experience that most family members will not ask questions about what you encounter on the trip. I was amazed that once I got to my first Thanksgiving meal that all I heard was "did you have fun"? All I could say was I enjoyed the experience, it was hard work, and I was blessed. No one wanted to hear the things I witnessed and how bad it was. I know I can never explain the horror in Haiti, but I would love to have been given the opportunity to try. I know its not that no one cares, maybe it is just that the medical stuff isn't their thing. I enjoyed this Thanksgiving meal a little more than any other I have had. I enjoyed being with family a little more as well. I found myself just sitting back and listening to everyone laugh and talk, watching the kids play and fight and thinking to myself how truly blessed I really am. The Lord has given me a family that has strong roots in our Christian beliefs and this family tree will never fall. It might sway every now and then, but we stand strong as an oak. I can't fathom where I might be in my life right now if I had not had the parents that I have. I hope and pray that I can plant that seed of faith and love in Christ in Abby and the next one as Mom and Dad did in me. I can't help but feel some what guilty for all that I have after seeing all that those in Haiti do not have. I definitely have taken things for granted in the past and will think about the little things more now than ever.

We are leaving for Bryson City, NC in the morning to have a short family trip with Jason & Krystal Adams. We are taking Abby and Justus to ride the Polar Express at the Great Smokey Mountain Railroad and spend the night. I look forward to getting back to work on Monday. I have had many phone calls and text messages from my co-workers wanting to know how things went. My boss and Dayna will be leaving for Haiti on Thursday, so of course, they are going to be full of questions. I hope I can some what prepare them for what they will encounter there. I think I will be going back to Haiti in January, good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise. I won't be gone near as long this time and I will be a little more relaxed about this one.  

Matthew 4:23- And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. KJV

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