Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, Monday, Monday!!

What a way to start my week off. Got to work around 7:30 this morning and found out that the Cholera outbreak has spread to Cite Soleil. I am more nervous now than I thought I would be. I Pray that we all stick together and watch each others backs there. I wonder if Purell Hand Sanitizer would sponser this trip? We have a staff meeting this morning to prep us for the upcoming Global Missions Health Conference on Wednesday in Louisville, KY. I am looking forward to the conference and all the medical personnel I will get to meet. I finish up my shoots today as well.. all 3 of them!! That is one for each arm and I am not sure where the other will go!! The typhoid vaccine, Vivotif, has absolutely killed me this weekend. I have had the worst stomach cramps and my kidney's have felt like Rocky has used them as punching bags. I took my last dose of it last night so I should be doubled over around lunch time today.

Matthew 25:14- For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. KJV

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