Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 8 Part 1

As I sit here with my group that worked without me last night, I find myself starting to dread going home for some unknown reason. I miss my family more than I thought I would, but the work that we have done and the lives we have saved have opened my eyes to what the Lord really can do. One of my co-workers here, Stacey who is an RN, just read her blog from the other day. We all sat here and cried as she described the horror of this epidemic through her eyes. It is amazing how we all have different descriptions of Cholera and the terror it has caused in this devastated country. We have funny stories and sad stories, stories that we will keep with us for the rest of our lives, and stories we would like to forget the day it happened. One thing about what we have all witnessed here, we will never be able to describe it to anyone else besides someone who has worked here and seen this tragedy first hand. Not one picture we have taken nor one story we will tell can ever paint a good enough picture of what is in our mind and heart.

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