Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 8 Part 2

Last night was very quite. Right off the bat I had a patient die. I thought that would be the start of a bad night, I was wrong. We have several that were just there to sleep more or less and the others just needed a little more time. At one point last night I counted 122 patients. We did not discharge any till around 6a and took in about 10 more, so about 135 patients total last night. We found a baby hiding under his sick mother that no one had told us was there. Brittany and I took up with him and I named him Sue. His name was Sue because he was wearing a pink dress. I took plenty of pics and will post them later this week. We goofed off most of the night time kill time. At one point we was lined up. To start the electric slide, but several patients come into triage and we had to break up our little cholera dance party. I found a homeless man in our camp who was not mentally stable. I started several IVs but he took them out. He was naked and it was cool last night. I found him a rug and he refused to wear it. Before we left last night Dr. Melker and I sat down and looked at the map of Haiti and he showed me where the outbreak started and the path it is taking. He seems to think it is here to stay for a while. Just before that, one of the SP workers came running into to the staff lounge and said someone had been shoot outside. Me and Nurse Helen ran out and found Dr. Chuck Miller with the patient. Apparently someone had dropped a shotgun somewhere close to the campus and it went off. The pellets hit the girls in the back of the head and in the shoulder. She was not in any serious danger so she got a tetnas shoot and was sent on to a clinic to have the pellets removed. We had some big ole hamburgers for supper and ice cold cokes. I have one last night shift tonight and I will be done at Bercy cholera clinic. Dr. Lance and I are going to tour Haiti tomorrow after lunch and do a little site sewing. Should be fun.

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