Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Other Sea of Blue

Well I made it down here and everything went fine, except they took my shaving cream at the Louisville airport. We had beautiful weather to fly in and no delays. I tried to talk to Maria and Abby while in the plane in Miami before take off, but I was so choked up that I couldn't say anything. I was crying in front of the entire group of passengers on the plane. From Charlotte to Miami we flew right next to the eastern sea board and it was unreal. Once we got over Haiti there was a whole new meaning to the term "Sea of Blue". All you could see from the air was blue tents and tarps for as far as the eye can see. The devastation that you could see from the air was heart breaking. After 11 months you can't tell any difference in the cities or landscape, so I have been told. Once we got landed and through customs, we had to fight with the locals to keep them from "helping" carry our bags to the bus. Once that was over with we was in traffic for over and hour trying to get to our compound that was supposed to be 30 minutes away. Once here we grabbed a bite to eat and headed up for our security briefing. I have to admit, I am very nervous now about what I will encounter in the days to come. I was told we would be dealing with a lot of dead bodies, mostly children. The things we have to do to them before they can be buried made me sick. I am SO thankful that I am with some people that I know and I have support and I support them. I was just told I will be in the main cholera clinic tomorrow with a fellow Firefighter/EMT from another state. I hope all goes well and I can make another post tomorrow night for you guys. Keep us ALL in your prayers!

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