Saturday, November 6, 2010

Last Saturday Home

This time next week I will be in the air heading as far south as I have ever been. Maria tried to explain to Abby last night where I was going and how long I would be gone. She is still to young to understand how long days are. I have to go to Ashboro this afternoon for a viewing, so I'm not going to get to spend as much time with the family as I had planned. My prayers are with Stevie and Lisa Smith who lost their 25 year old son  Thursday. Maria & Abby are shopping for me while I am gone today. I have a list of items to take with me to supplement the lack of meals I will get during the day in Haiti. I heard I get to eat peanut butter and jelly everyday for lunch which means I will be ready for a little turkey when I get back on the 24th!

Malachi 4:2- But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. KJV

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