Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 3

Man oh man what a day. The temperature in the tents where we are working are over 100 degrees during the day. The patients and the medical staff are all very tired and drained from the heat. We seem to be drinking more water than they can bring us (it is bottled and sealed from the States). I got moved to a new tent today and got to help start a jugular IV in a 2 year old little girl, and about 10 other pediatric IV's. I myself have been busy putting in new IV's that some of the combative patients are pulling out. I am hoping that I can get some of my pics on here tomorrow since I am working night shift tomorrow night. We had about 150 patients today from what we can figure. I was with a mother and Chaplin today when she got saved. The Chaplin had me finish up with the prayer, it was so moving. The spirit is really working on these people. We are so fortunant to have the Billy Graham Chaplins there with us. I thought I prayed a lot at work, I do ten times as much here. I have found myself nelt down several times beside the babies who do not have anyone with them and praying over them. I have made so many new friends here that I will more than likely never see again, from both here and North America (we have them Canadian docs and nurses here too). I just got to talk to Abby for the first time since Saturday. It was so good to hear her little voice. She was so happy and told me about everything she has been doing. I can't wait to get home to see her next week. I am going to shave now. I am getting wolly.

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