Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 10

Atlast the day has arrived. We are all packed and waiting on our bus to take us to Port Au Prince to catch our flight. The first group just left and we had to say our first round of good byes. We exchanged a few more emails and laughs, more hugs and tears. We talked about how we felt, and funny thing is, we all feel like our job here is not done. The Lord has blessed us so much here and through us, thousands of lives have been saved. I remember my first post on here, I said I was coming down here to heal both spiritually and physically. I learned something else, I came down here to make friends and memories. I would have never thought I would make this many friends, both nationally and medically. As we debriefed last night, we all spoke about how the next wave of this epidemic is going to hit with in the next few days and we felt like we needed to be here for it. On a lighter note, Dr. Trey and I have spread a rumor here at the camp that everyone will have to give a stool sample at customs. The girls are frantic!! I am off to Miami, be back on tonight for my post flight blog.

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