Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 1

Wow what a day! We sarted around 7 this morning and got done at 9 tonight. I have never pushed so many IV ringers in my life. One person had 17! This cholera thing is unreal. People are being brought in by he truck loads. Kids and adults both are pouring in and we have no where to put them. This language barrior is awful. I can't understand them and my southern accent rying to speak french makes them laugh. As a matter of fact, my accent makes the SP staff laugh too. We did not have any casualtys today, Praise God. I had several very sick children come in. I have taken a few pics, but we are so busy that I cant get the camera out. To hear the Haitian Preachers come in and lay the Gospel on these people today was very moving. I listened (couldn't understand a word he said) and it brought tears to my eyes just hearing the passion in his voice. He truley is concerned about these peoples relationship with the Lord. I hope to get one of the Bibles he is handing out and bring home. The country here is so beautiful. It is like the movie Jurasic Park when they fly the heliocopter in to the park at the beginning. They even have goats running around down here like in the movie. I will have pics on here soon I hope. I am tired and turning in. I have another one of these days tomorrow, and the next and the next day etc... Keep use in your prayers.

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