Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Knocking the dust off the ole blog!

I am back! It has been 7 long months since I posted on here and a lot has happened in my life since then. 2 REALLY big things happened that will forever change my life. First of all, back in March I surrendered to the call to preach. This is something I am pretty sure happened while I was in Haiti the first time. I have had the opportunity to preach now many times and have really enjoyed it. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for me in the future with this new path in life he is guiding me down. Second thing is the arrival of my second daughter. Paisley Grace Cole was born on May 30th at Watauga Medical Center. She was a true answered prayer for Maria and I. Abby is one proud big sister.

Back on May 8th I done a little mission trip in my own back yard. Samaritan's Purse was working in Birmingham Alabama doing relief work for the tornado victims. They were overwhelmed with work orders and not enough hands to fill the need. The employees were offered a chance to help and of course I jumped all over it. It was a tough decision because Maria was due in 22 days, but the Lord lead me and of course I followed. That was the best 7 days I had spent with SP. I have never seen the Lord work in so many ways and I came back more blessed than the people we helped I think. When you go to someones house who has lost everything, and you take a moment to Pray for them and they beat you to it and start Praying for you, that says a lot. I was physically drained but spiritually high as a kite. I was told something by a lady who lost everything her and her husband had worked for over their 60 years of marriage. She told me that she was glad to see us put our feet where our knees had been. Those are some strong words if you think about it!

As I prepare myself for my upcoming mission trip to Haiti (I call it Haiti Round 2) I find that it is a chance for me to go back and finish what I started. I know that I went there the last time and was disappointed in myself for not being a witness like I should have. I wise little Irish man told me that I done what I was supposed too. I saved their lives to be saved another day.

I do not foresee myself going back there again after this. I feel in my heart that the work I need to be doing for the Lord needs to be done here in the States. Having a taste of mission work both "far and near" you might say, has let me understand that Gods people have a nitch and I think mine is here. Not to say I would never go back to Haiti or any other foreign country, but I feel more at home with people that understand the way I talk. No one is really talking about this trip like they did the first one. Ever so often someone might mention how hot its going to be and that's about it. Keep me in your Prayers as I prepare for another journey down this walk of faith I am taking.

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