Thursday, July 28, 2011

About three days ago!?! Really?

If I here those words again I am going to scream!!! Every patient I have seen over the past 4 days has told me the same thing, their problem started 3 days ago... all of them!

We had a busy day and the clinic. Not sure how many patients came through, but I am guessing 120-130. I seen 46 myself with some pretty serious cases. I had a beautiful little 8 year old girl come in that may have typhoid fever and some other issues. The Haitian doc sent her home against everyones wishes. We are Praying that she gets well soon. I had a young man come in with everything on his right side swollen. He got transferred to the hospital before we closed up shop.

I had a little boy come in today whose name was Christ. Thought that was interesting.

I lady that was 52 came in and as always, I had to ask if she was pregnant or breast feeding before I could give her the anti-worm pill. She laughed out loud and said no she was to old and I said so was Sarah. She got a good laugh out of it and then took her pill.

When I went in to the cafeteria this morning everyone was waiting on me and sung Happy Birthday to me at breakfast. I got a little teary eyed thinking that even though we have only known each other for 5 or 6 days, we all have a special friendship now. The Chaplain let me Pray us off this morning and then he said a special Pray for me. Once we got to the clinic we had another Prayer before we started seeing patients. One of the nurses mentioned it was my Birthday so they wanted me to bless the day.

One of the Haitian SP workers came in and said he didn't have anything to give me but he would like to buy me a Coke. I gave him a little hung and told him I had a new friend and that was better than any soft drink money could buy. Most of the Haitian staff here are very humble and Godly people.

Once we got cleaned up this afternoon we went in to the cafeteria again and had hamburgers for supper. They had a HUGE chocolate cake with vanila icing on it. When I got outside to the picnic shelter they had set up a table with ballons for me and a little bag full of goodies from Haiti and a card signed by the staff.

Looks like I will be spending another day back here at the compound tomorrow. I need to finish putting together the ambulance and the equipment before I leave Saturday. A bunch of us medical people are going out to a resturant tomorrow night to eat. It is the first time SP has ever let a group of volunteers go out like that. I hope it is worth it!

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