Saturday, July 23, 2011

Made it back

So I have made it back to the G.O. Compound and man it has changed! They have built new things here and it does not look like a bee hive with medical people swarming in and out. Their are only 4 or 5 of us volunteers here to work next week and they are saying it will be very slow compared to my last trip here. One of the nurses I worked with here in November is here again and is going to take me out to my old stomping grounds at Bercy so I can see what it looks like.

As I flew today I got to thinking about how God is going to use me here this coming week. Now that I am here and have talked to others I see that ministry is going to be a HUGE part of what we do. I got kinda excited!

I hate to make this one short, but I have to go make my bed and get some things unpacked. I shouldn't have any trouble posting things this week.

Pray for us!!

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