Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Haiti

Well I survived the Thanksgiving meals and family questions, which were not as many as I thought I would get. I was told by several of the medical staff with prior mission experience that most family members will not ask questions about what you encounter on the trip. I was amazed that once I got to my first Thanksgiving meal that all I heard was "did you have fun"? All I could say was I enjoyed the experience, it was hard work, and I was blessed. No one wanted to hear the things I witnessed and how bad it was. I know I can never explain the horror in Haiti, but I would love to have been given the opportunity to try. I know its not that no one cares, maybe it is just that the medical stuff isn't their thing. I enjoyed this Thanksgiving meal a little more than any other I have had. I enjoyed being with family a little more as well. I found myself just sitting back and listening to everyone laugh and talk, watching the kids play and fight and thinking to myself how truly blessed I really am. The Lord has given me a family that has strong roots in our Christian beliefs and this family tree will never fall. It might sway every now and then, but we stand strong as an oak. I can't fathom where I might be in my life right now if I had not had the parents that I have. I hope and pray that I can plant that seed of faith and love in Christ in Abby and the next one as Mom and Dad did in me. I can't help but feel some what guilty for all that I have after seeing all that those in Haiti do not have. I definitely have taken things for granted in the past and will think about the little things more now than ever.

We are leaving for Bryson City, NC in the morning to have a short family trip with Jason & Krystal Adams. We are taking Abby and Justus to ride the Polar Express at the Great Smokey Mountain Railroad and spend the night. I look forward to getting back to work on Monday. I have had many phone calls and text messages from my co-workers wanting to know how things went. My boss and Dayna will be leaving for Haiti on Thursday, so of course, they are going to be full of questions. I hope I can some what prepare them for what they will encounter there. I think I will be going back to Haiti in January, good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise. I won't be gone near as long this time and I will be a little more relaxed about this one.  

Matthew 4:23- And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. KJV

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 10

Atlast the day has arrived. We are all packed and waiting on our bus to take us to Port Au Prince to catch our flight. The first group just left and we had to say our first round of good byes. We exchanged a few more emails and laughs, more hugs and tears. We talked about how we felt, and funny thing is, we all feel like our job here is not done. The Lord has blessed us so much here and through us, thousands of lives have been saved. I remember my first post on here, I said I was coming down here to heal both spiritually and physically. I learned something else, I came down here to make friends and memories. I would have never thought I would make this many friends, both nationally and medically. As we debriefed last night, we all spoke about how the next wave of this epidemic is going to hit with in the next few days and we felt like we needed to be here for it. On a lighter note, Dr. Trey and I have spread a rumor here at the camp that everyone will have to give a stool sample at customs. The girls are frantic!! I am off to Miami, be back on tonight for my post flight blog.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 9

The last night of work was great. We started the night off with group pictures and a little fellowship. Some of my team left out early this morning and we would not get to see them before we got back to the campus. It was kind of emotional to say the least. We shared funny stories and pictures, then exchanged email and mailing addresses. Some of us took pictures (I took over 500 so far) and others forgot, so we are all going to put them on shutter fly for each other to see and use. The 20 minute drive from the campus to the clinic was a quite one for once. I opened our last trip out with prayer and we were off. We had 2 new people to the "A" team, as we have named ourselves, they didn't have the stories to tale like we did. Once we got to Bercy we got patient reports from day shift and started our rounds. I was honored to be given the pediatric wards last night. All though those tents did not have the volume that once did, I still got to play with the babies and make a few more last minute little friends. I did have a few adult patients to tend to as well. One of them had what we think is cerebral meningitis and needed to be taken to a hospital. I got to play with baby Sue again one more time last night. He is such a happy little baby and so malnourished and under weight. I wanted to put him in my bag and take him home. As the night drug on, we noticed that all of us were getting short tempers and things bothered us more than usual. I guess having time to sit back and think about things because we did not have much to do was a bad thing. I yelled at an old man that kept taking his IV out, all 4 of them I put in. I finally just wrapped his hand up so that he couldn't touch things. Another young man did not want his second IV and fought me for a while... the IV won... all 14 gauges. Each of us walked around checking on one another, both mentally and physically. We took a lot of breaks and went back to the "staff lounge" and hung out. We at cookies, took a few power naps, ate some more, slept even more and made more rounds. Around 4:30a it all broke lose. We had 7 patients come in, all in bad shape. One was brought in on a motorcycle and was unconscious. Her left foot had been dragging a her big toe had been sanded down to the bone. We worked on that and her cholera both the best we could. I little boy cam in and we was unable to get any IV accesses on him anywhere. 2 of the docs made 5 attempts at an IO and could not get it. I put an NG tube down his nose and gave him fluids that way till Dr. Trey got the IO in place. That was one sick little boy and he pushed all of us over the edge. We knew after he was stable that it was time for us all to have a mental health day to ourselves. Once I got back to the base and deconed myself like I have done for the past 9 days, I ate a nice breakfast and tried to get online. I was pulled away by the head of security who wanted me and Dr. Lance to go with him to the new clinic and do a site tour and see how the flow would be there. It is a great new clinic and will be well organized and staffed. After that we ran around to a few more places so I can take yet more pics of the place. The poverty I saw I will never be able to explain by word or picture. We returned back to the dorms at noon for lunch and a nap. We have 40 new medical personnel coming in tomorrow after we leave. I need to clean up by bunk area and get packed for the long journey home.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 8 Part 2

Last night was very quite. Right off the bat I had a patient die. I thought that would be the start of a bad night, I was wrong. We have several that were just there to sleep more or less and the others just needed a little more time. At one point last night I counted 122 patients. We did not discharge any till around 6a and took in about 10 more, so about 135 patients total last night. We found a baby hiding under his sick mother that no one had told us was there. Brittany and I took up with him and I named him Sue. His name was Sue because he was wearing a pink dress. I took plenty of pics and will post them later this week. We goofed off most of the night time kill time. At one point we was lined up. To start the electric slide, but several patients come into triage and we had to break up our little cholera dance party. I found a homeless man in our camp who was not mentally stable. I started several IVs but he took them out. He was naked and it was cool last night. I found him a rug and he refused to wear it. Before we left last night Dr. Melker and I sat down and looked at the map of Haiti and he showed me where the outbreak started and the path it is taking. He seems to think it is here to stay for a while. Just before that, one of the SP workers came running into to the staff lounge and said someone had been shoot outside. Me and Nurse Helen ran out and found Dr. Chuck Miller with the patient. Apparently someone had dropped a shotgun somewhere close to the campus and it went off. The pellets hit the girls in the back of the head and in the shoulder. She was not in any serious danger so she got a tetnas shoot and was sent on to a clinic to have the pellets removed. We had some big ole hamburgers for supper and ice cold cokes. I have one last night shift tonight and I will be done at Bercy cholera clinic. Dr. Lance and I are going to tour Haiti tomorrow after lunch and do a little site sewing. Should be fun.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 8 Part 1

As I sit here with my group that worked without me last night, I find myself starting to dread going home for some unknown reason. I miss my family more than I thought I would, but the work that we have done and the lives we have saved have opened my eyes to what the Lord really can do. One of my co-workers here, Stacey who is an RN, just read her blog from the other day. We all sat here and cried as she described the horror of this epidemic through her eyes. It is amazing how we all have different descriptions of Cholera and the terror it has caused in this devastated country. We have funny stories and sad stories, stories that we will keep with us for the rest of our lives, and stories we would like to forget the day it happened. One thing about what we have all witnessed here, we will never be able to describe it to anyone else besides someone who has worked here and seen this tragedy first hand. Not one picture we have taken nor one story we will tell can ever paint a good enough picture of what is in our mind and heart.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 7 Part 2

I almost got to work another night shift. I was not scheduled to work tonight so I only got about 2 hours sleep today. I found out around 5:30 that they had scheduled me another night, and we leave here at 6:30. I was not happy, but I got ready and was heading out. Dr. Stephanie told me she would cover it since she had slept all day. So I got to video chat with Abby tonight and talk to Maria. Wow, two nights in a row I got to talk to my family. I found out that ASU lost to Florida today, no surprise there. Dad said he had a big day at the plant with today being the opening day of rifle season. He said he shoot a big buck, but as usual for him, he lost it. I talked tonight to the Chaplain here this afternoon about the voodoo stuff from last night. We both felt like we should have their services there at the site 24/7. So, as I type, I am also talking with the Chaplain crew going out tonight. The 2 tonight are from the UK, so the Haitians wont get the good ole Southern Baptist tongue lashing they need, but they will get the Gospel none the less. I think I am going to turn in early tonight and catch up on some needed rest. A bunch of us was watching a season of The Office earlier and I was nodding off quite often.

Day 7

Well we had a very interesting night last night. I got to witness vodo in person and it scared the pee out of us! The community behind where our tents are had a ceremony around midnight and it echoed all over the place. We prayed several times as a group and each of us prayed for our own tents. You could feel the evil in the air and we all had the sick, uneasy feeling for a while. I made it all 3 nights with no deaths and nothing real major in my tents. I started anoter EJ and helped with 3 more. Kinda wish now I had finished EMT-I class a few years ago. Miranda let me borrow her phone so that I could call home and talk to the girls. I sure did love hearing their voices. Abby said they were putting up Christmas decorations on the tree, which is great because that means I do not have to do it when I get home. The internet is terrible here and most of us can not get on. A few of the guys have managed to get on here and let the rest of us borrow their laptops. I am supposed to be off tonight since I have worked 6 days in a row now, but I might go in so that I can have Tuesday off before I come home. Several members of my team left today. Mike, the Firefighter/Paramedic from Jackson Hole Wyoming left just a few minutes ago and we had a great talk before he left. He is a good man and I made a great new friend. Joany, Dr. Kari and Miranda all left as well. We made a great little team and worked well together. We all exchanged emails so we could start sharing pics of each other and be friends on FB. I hope to work with them all again someday. I'm going to catch a nap now and then head to the pool.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 6

Last night was a good night. No deaths and we only had about 120 patients and 40 new admitts. I had 3 tents alone this time with 2 Haitian nurses to try and help me. The nurses here are hard to work with. They only want to change the IV bags and open the drip rate to wide open. I made ballons and gave out stickers in my down time and got alot of smiles and laughs out of the kids. Around 3a this morning I got so tired and my head was busting.  I tried to sit for a while and rest, but we had so much going on that that didn't last long. A lady in tent three got the urge to pray, so she did, for one and a half hours. I filmed her for a few minutes. I had my interpretor translate to make sure it was not voodoo or tongue, he assured me it was not. Tonight should be my last night... I hope. I really want to travel around and see the area before I go, so maybe this weekend me and Dr. Lance will get a chance to.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 5

I just realized that yesterdays post didn't get posted till today. Sorry if I confused anyone.... DAYNA!!!

Well last night was VERY interesting for my first night shift. We had a total of 122 patients before 4am. From 7p till 4a we only admitted 35, everyone else was given fluids outside and sent home. Between 4a and 7:30a we had a rush of 35+ and overwhelmed us. I have never started so many IV's and assessed so many patients at one time in my life. We did not have any casualties last, thank the Lord. We had a pneumothorax and got to decompress the ladies right lung right the in the tent. Dr. Jeff Wey is the man!! I was unable to get pics of that because we had her and 121 other patients to tend to. We had to do 6 IO's last night and I think 2 EJ's on kids. Most of the people coming in in the morning are on the verge of death anyway because they have slept all night and waited to travel in the early morning when it is safer. When they get to use they need all the fluids we can throw at them and to be monitored closely. I like the night shift and I think I am going to try to keep it till I leave. It is very cool here at night and I work ten times better in cool weather, now if it would only snow! I got in the bed at 9:30 this morning and got up around 2p. For some unknown reason, house keeping decided to sweep around my bed and make the beds up around me. I thought Dr. Trey and I was going to have a coming to Jesus meeting with them!! I have been getting a lot of emails and messages on FB from everyone reminding me they are praying for me. I believe it... I can feel it.

Day 4

Today I got to rest a little. I sleep from around 1:30p till now. I walked all over the compound and got to see all the areas here where different people do different things. I listened to the Haitian devotions this morning, very moving. As usual, I could not understand what they said. I took a lot of pics and got on Skype to talk to my WONDERFUL co-workers back in Boone, even Dayna said Hi to me. I feel very refreshed and ready to try nights out again. From what everyone has said, it will be cooler and not as hectic. If it works out, I may try to stick with it for the rest of my stay here. Gotta go throw on some scrubs now and hit the salt mine.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 3

Man oh man what a day. The temperature in the tents where we are working are over 100 degrees during the day. The patients and the medical staff are all very tired and drained from the heat. We seem to be drinking more water than they can bring us (it is bottled and sealed from the States). I got moved to a new tent today and got to help start a jugular IV in a 2 year old little girl, and about 10 other pediatric IV's. I myself have been busy putting in new IV's that some of the combative patients are pulling out. I am hoping that I can get some of my pics on here tomorrow since I am working night shift tomorrow night. We had about 150 patients today from what we can figure. I was with a mother and Chaplin today when she got saved. The Chaplin had me finish up with the prayer, it was so moving. The spirit is really working on these people. We are so fortunant to have the Billy Graham Chaplins there with us. I thought I prayed a lot at work, I do ten times as much here. I have found myself nelt down several times beside the babies who do not have anyone with them and praying over them. I have made so many new friends here that I will more than likely never see again, from both here and North America (we have them Canadian docs and nurses here too). I just got to talk to Abby for the first time since Saturday. It was so good to hear her little voice. She was so happy and told me about everything she has been doing. I can't wait to get home to see her next week. I am going to shave now. I am getting wolly.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 2

Well today was not like yesterday. We had over 140 patients come in, compared to 80, and we was running out of supplies. Some of my paients from yesterday were still there when I got back this morning. We had some of the hottest weather today too. I drunk so much water, but never used the bathroom. I looked liked I had ran through the shower in my scrubs. I will have to wear tennis shoes tomorrow. My boots are making my feet sweat so bad I am affraid I will get swamp foot. I still can't rap my mind around all the sickness here. Words and my pics will never come close to describing this place. The country is beautiful, but deadly. We have more doctors coming in tomorrow, so we should have more help soon. We are out of cots and the sun was draining everyone. The SP staff had to come in and put up tarps for us to put paients under. We have made some great friends with the local interprators. Wisley (just like Wesley) is mine and is such a great guy. He is self taught at english and does very well. I am done for the night and going to bed now.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 1

Wow what a day! We sarted around 7 this morning and got done at 9 tonight. I have never pushed so many IV ringers in my life. One person had 17! This cholera thing is unreal. People are being brought in by he truck loads. Kids and adults both are pouring in and we have no where to put them. This language barrior is awful. I can't understand them and my southern accent rying to speak french makes them laugh. As a matter of fact, my accent makes the SP staff laugh too. We did not have any casualtys today, Praise God. I had several very sick children come in. I have taken a few pics, but we are so busy that I cant get the camera out. To hear the Haitian Preachers come in and lay the Gospel on these people today was very moving. I listened (couldn't understand a word he said) and it brought tears to my eyes just hearing the passion in his voice. He truley is concerned about these peoples relationship with the Lord. I hope to get one of the Bibles he is handing out and bring home. The country here is so beautiful. It is like the movie Jurasic Park when they fly the heliocopter in to the park at the beginning. They even have goats running around down here like in the movie. I will have pics on here soon I hope. I am tired and turning in. I have another one of these days tomorrow, and the next and the next day etc... Keep use in your prayers.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Other Sea of Blue

Well I made it down here and everything went fine, except they took my shaving cream at the Louisville airport. We had beautiful weather to fly in and no delays. I tried to talk to Maria and Abby while in the plane in Miami before take off, but I was so choked up that I couldn't say anything. I was crying in front of the entire group of passengers on the plane. From Charlotte to Miami we flew right next to the eastern sea board and it was unreal. Once we got over Haiti there was a whole new meaning to the term "Sea of Blue". All you could see from the air was blue tents and tarps for as far as the eye can see. The devastation that you could see from the air was heart breaking. After 11 months you can't tell any difference in the cities or landscape, so I have been told. Once we got landed and through customs, we had to fight with the locals to keep them from "helping" carry our bags to the bus. Once that was over with we was in traffic for over and hour trying to get to our compound that was supposed to be 30 minutes away. Once here we grabbed a bite to eat and headed up for our security briefing. I have to admit, I am very nervous now about what I will encounter in the days to come. I was told we would be dealing with a lot of dead bodies, mostly children. The things we have to do to them before they can be buried made me sick. I am SO thankful that I am with some people that I know and I have support and I support them. I was just told I will be in the main cholera clinic tomorrow with a fellow Firefighter/EMT from another state. I hope all goes well and I can make another post tomorrow night for you guys. Keep us ALL in your prayers!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Country Fried Steak

What a great send off. We all went to The Cracker Barrel and ate tonight for my "final" meal. You just can't go wrong with the country fried steak there. The fellowship this week has really helped ease my mind about the trip and help build a stronger relatioship with my co-workers. We got some bad news about the cholera outbreak in Haiti today. Looks like it has killed 10 now in Port-Au-Prince. I did find out that another SP co-worker will be down there with me Saturday, so I will know atleast one person there now. It is 9:30 pm and I have to be up at 4:30 am to catch my flight out of here in the morning. I have talked to my whole family except for Abby tonight, who is really the only person I wanted to talk to. Everyone ends up crying towards the end of the conversation (including myself) and I know she won't. I'll post something tomorrow while I am waiting on flights if I can.

Matthew 16: 23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

One Day To Go

Here it is, Friday. This week has flown by for me. I was hoping in a way it would drag out so I would at least feel like I have spent sometime with the fam before I head down south (way down south). This conference that we are at right now is unreal. I have met so many interesting people who all share the same passion. I feel like the Lord will bless WMM in the near future with an overwhelming out pour of volunteers. The guest speakers here are great and funny, which helps when you are in a room of 1,000 doctors who are always serious.

 Matthew 24: 7-8- For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rested and Ready to Recruit!!

Today is the first day of the conference. We are a physced bunch today, ready to recruit medical personnel to serve with World Medical Mission. We had a great meal and fellowship last night at Olive Garden with the WMM crew and the Children's Heart Project staff. That group and what they do for children is amazing. Keep the 3 children having heart surgery today in your prayers. I didn't get to talk to Abby last night because she went to bed early. Maria said she wanted to watch The Polar Express again, so she put it in and Abby was out. Abby is so ready for the Polar Express train ride we are taking when I get back. Everyday she asks us if tomorrow when we get to ride the train. We will be setting up our boothes this morning after devotions here at the hotel. Sometime this morning I have to go to the Louisville International Airport and pickup Dr. Warren Copper. This will be my first and only glimps of the airport in day light before I fly out of it Saturday.

For Veterans Day
2 Samuel 22: 33-35: God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds' feet: and setteth me upon my high places. He teacheth my hands to war; so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms. KJV

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Louisville Here We Come!

We are packing here at World Medical Mission and getting ready to take off to the Global Mission Health Conference in Louisville, KY. It should be an exciting trip. I had to drop Abby off at the bus stop this morning for the last time till I get back. She still doesn't understand how log I will be gone. Me and mom both made her a little calendar so she can count down the days till I return. Maria is setup on Skype now so I should be able to video call them in the evenings and talk to them. I will post more once we get settled in in Louisville.

Deuteronomy 31:6- Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. KJV

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, Monday, Monday!!

What a way to start my week off. Got to work around 7:30 this morning and found out that the Cholera outbreak has spread to Cite Soleil. I am more nervous now than I thought I would be. I Pray that we all stick together and watch each others backs there. I wonder if Purell Hand Sanitizer would sponser this trip? We have a staff meeting this morning to prep us for the upcoming Global Missions Health Conference on Wednesday in Louisville, KY. I am looking forward to the conference and all the medical personnel I will get to meet. I finish up my shoots today as well.. all 3 of them!! That is one for each arm and I am not sure where the other will go!! The typhoid vaccine, Vivotif, has absolutely killed me this weekend. I have had the worst stomach cramps and my kidney's have felt like Rocky has used them as punching bags. I took my last dose of it last night so I should be doubled over around lunch time today.

Matthew 25:14- For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. KJV

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wow What A Message!

Boy if me going to Haiti wasn't a God thing, I'm not sure what is! This morning in Sunday school Doyle spoke about Why the Christian Life is Better. It open my eyes to what I know I will be facing in the weeks to come in Haiti. Since the biggest part of the population there practice Voodoo, I know I am going to face many hard questions and circumstances. We read out of the 14th chapter of John, which I plan on reading several times while I am in the air. That chapter holds so many answers to the questions that will come from the non-believers. Today we also celebrated Pastor Appreciation at our Church. Preacher Ray Greene has been such an inspiration to me and my family, that words can not describe. If no one else Prays for me this month, I know that man will.

John 14: 2-3- 2; In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3; And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. KJV

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Last Saturday Home

This time next week I will be in the air heading as far south as I have ever been. Maria tried to explain to Abby last night where I was going and how long I would be gone. She is still to young to understand how long days are. I have to go to Ashboro this afternoon for a viewing, so I'm not going to get to spend as much time with the family as I had planned. My prayers are with Stevie and Lisa Smith who lost their 25 year old son  Thursday. Maria & Abby are shopping for me while I am gone today. I have a list of items to take with me to supplement the lack of meals I will get during the day in Haiti. I heard I get to eat peanut butter and jelly everyday for lunch which means I will be ready for a little turkey when I get back on the 24th!

Malachi 4:2- But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. KJV

Thursday, November 4, 2010

First Blog, First Post, First Mission Trip

Who would have thunk it? Li'l ole Chad Cole from Vilas, NC is going to Haiti to work as an EMT. Back in 1998 when I started my volunteer career in emergency services, I would have never thought I would be able to take the skills and knowledge and apply them in a mission setting 12 years later. My heart has always been with helping people in need, but I have only been able to do that here in NC. Being part of a Christian organization, Samaritan's Purse, I have been given the opportunity to go out and heal in two different ways, both spiritualy and physically. I Pray that I may be able to touch the hearts of those lost as well as heal those who are sick and injured.

So, as I prepare for my 10 day journey to Haiti, I would like for everyone to please pray for me and my family. The Lord has truley blessed me with a supportive family, who have always stuck by me and my decisions. This will be the longest I have been away from my daughter and wife and I have to admitt, it is going to be tuff.

Philippians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. KJV